An Impromptu Dinner at Thai Lanxang

After a busy start to the week, Adriano and I decided that we should head out for some Thai food. I had been hearing a lot about Thai Lanxang on Howard (in the plaza just before Remark Farms if you’re heading south) and knew mentioning a Windsoreats member was a sure fire way to get Adriano to agree to go out for dinner.

I have to admit, the average passerby might make assumptions about a strip plaza restaurant, but, they would be losing out on a great dining experience. The decor is modern, simple and clean. With a stone type wall, sleek glass tables and white backdrop panels that add a sophisticated feel to the place. The menu is no disappointment either. Filled with a complimenting mix of Thai, Chinese and Sushi, deciding what to eat is not an easy task. Our server, Kong, was quick, accommodating and knowledgeable, which is always a bonus when you are trying a restaurant for the first time.

Mini avocado roll from Thai Lanxang in Windsor, Ontario
Mini avocado roll from Thai Lanxang in Windsor, Ontario

Adriano and I decided on the mini avocado roll and vegetarian egg rolls for appetizers. The sushi smelled delightful. I note this first because I had to sit at a table with it for 10 minutes while Adriano rushed home after he realized he brought his camera, but no memory card. Seriously, who leaves their girlfriend at a table alone in the restaurant and drives off for 15 minutes? Heaven forbid we don’t take pictures of everything we eat.

Jillian eating away on her vermicelli with spring roll at Thai Lanxang
Jillian eating away on her vermicelli with spring roll at Thai Lanxang

After the torture of sitting there staring at the sushi, I was not disappointed when I finally was given the go ahead to dig in. The mini avocado roll tasted fresh and light. The vegetarian eggroll was pipping hot upon its arrival, and with the sweet and sour sauce for dipping, it was a nice second appetizer. I can always justify eating excessive amounts of food in the name of writing a blog entry about it.

Peanut Curry dish ordered by Adriano at Thai Lanxang

I then ordered the vermicelli with spring roll and Adriano had the peanut curry and I am not sure which I enjoyed more. Thankfully Adriano has grown accustomed to me stealing bites off of his plate. His dish was both so sweet and savory at the same time I couldn’t help myself. The veggies were cooked just right, actual chicken breast meat was used and the sauce…oh the sauce. I am still thinking of it and wishing we had saved just a little for a midnight snack. The vermicelli was fantastic too. The mix of lettuce, cucumber, carrots, onions, noodles and spring rolls smothered in fish sauce with an added hint of hot sauce (my doing), I was shocked when I looked down at my bowl and realized I had eaten almost the entire thing. So yummy. From our dining experience, I feel pretty safe in saying that no matter what you order, you won’t be disappointed.
Jillian Authier

A lifelong Windsorite, Jillian’s passion for teaching has brought her into the kitchen at one of Windsor’s community centres teaching children simple recipes even they can do. Jill also loves her white wine. Pelee Island Late Harvest Vidal anyone?

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