
Nutella: Sweet Chocolatey & Hazelnutty Goodness

Being the son of Italian parents, Nutella seems to have been around me since birth. I love the stuff. Can’t get enough of it. I wish I could live off…


Chocolate Dipped Shortbread Cookies

This year I didn’t get to bake many cookies. But I did manage to try these cute little shortbread cookies. I’ve been hanging on to this recipe for awhile and…


Brain Boosting Power

Exams are finally over and after some heavy duty cramming..errr…i mean studying, an energy boost is definitely needed. At this point, my brain feels like it’s melted. Don’t ask how…


Chocolate Peanut Clusters

Yesterday I posted a recipe for Chocolate Peanut Clusters but didn’t add a picture. So last night I made some. Here are a few photos…. I’m bringing them into work…
