Apple Picking Season is Here!

It’s apple picking time! Oh how I love this time of the year. On the weekend we headed out to Wagner’s Orchard and Estate Winery to fill our baskets with Mutsu, Royal Gala and Yellow Delicious. It was a beautiful, warm fall day so the farm was definitely busy. It was great to see so many families out enjoying the sunshine.

Apple picking at Wagner's
Emily has enough apples for the rest of school year.

We managed to pick enough apples to last us for quite some time. Let’s just say there is a whole lot of baking scheduled for my very near future. Pies, crisps, tarts, the list goes on and on. My dad always says the apples taste better picked right from the tree. He’s so right. Maybe it’s being in the moment, out in the orchard…but d’em apples sure are tasty.

Apple picking at Wagner's
Fresh pressed apple cider.

We also made sure to head into the store to stock up pumpkin pie, cherry pie, apple pie and apple cider. I’ll just put it out there that 3 pies is probably more than two people can possibly eat but Sean insisted that he was going to “share” the desserts with family. The pies are still sitting in our fridge…slowly being eaten away by one of two people living in the home. Hint: It’s not me.

Apple Pie from Wagner's

If you’re heading further out into the county, make sure to visit Meleg’s Orchard. Not only do they have plenty of apples to pick (honey crisp, royal gala, Macintosh), they even have a corn maze. Meleg’s…you had me at corn maze.

So don’t let these amazing fall days pass you by! Visit one of our local farms to get your fill of the season’s bounty.

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