Downtown Windsor Farmers Market Open for the Season

The Downtown Windsor Farmer’s Market officially opened for the season on Saturday.

Every Saturday from 8am-1pm you have access to fresh, local produce straight from the farm!  It doesn’t get any better than that.  I managed to pick up 4 fillets of pickerel and a bunch of green onions but missed out on the local strawberries. The early bird gets the worm (or berry in this case).

I’ll be using the pickerel for a recipe from The Ontario Table, a great book filled with recipes and stories about the people who produce our food.  I am completely grateful to author Lynn Ogryzlo who sent me an advance copy a couple weeks ago and I haven’t stopped flipping through it since.  It was great to see a few Essex County growers get mention in the book.

The brown butter pickerel recipe sounds amazing so I’ll be giving it a try it the next week.  You’ll have to check back an see how it turns out!  In the meantime, head over to the farmers market and support our local farmers and a great initiative in our city centre!

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