The WindsorEats Outdoor Food Hall at Lanspeary Park in Windsor, Ontario.

Outdoor Food Hall Is Taking A Break this Weekend

This weekend, Friday, September 24 to Sunday, September 26, 2021, the Food Hall will be taking a break to reconfigure our check in process due to the new regulations that took effect this week.

We are waiting to hear back from the Windsor Essex County Health Unit as to how to proceed in order to ensure we are properly following policies and procedures. The Outdoor Food Hall is not considered a restaurant, rather it is a special event, which creates a different set of rules that we need to follow. We always get questions and comments about why we do things differently from a restaurant. This is the reason why. We are considered a special event, not a restaurant.

Don’t worry! We will be back the weekend of Friday October 1, 2021 with Burgers & Beers.

As always we want to thank you for continuing to support not only WindsorEats but the vendors that participate each week. And a huge expression of gratitude for our sponsor St. Clair College Alumni as well as the City of Windsor Mayor and Council. Without their support we could not continue on with the Outdoor Food Hall.


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