
Our Stories

Help Save Windsor's History

Our friends at Scaledown.ca and International Metropolis are asking for everyone’s help. An application has been made to tear down an important piece of Windsor’s heritage. The Bank of Montreal…


Watch Euro 2008 At A Local Establishment

Are you a fan of “the beautiful game”? We encourage everyone to watch some Euro 2008 soccer games at a local establishment. If you happen to be an Italian fan,…


Listen to WindsorEats on Scaledown.ca

This week I was asked to be a guest on Scaledown.ca radio to talk about the impact of food in our lives and in our community.  Chris Holt, Ted Whipp…


Gardening and me

At last month’s blogger meet up we decided to engage in a little blog bursting and chose the topic of gardening. So I thought this would be the perfect time…
