If you loved Budokan Asian Bistro menu before, you’re going to love it even more now. They’ve added a few new items that are fresh, clean flavours and make a great addition to the menu. But don’t worry, some of our favourites are still on there! I’m looking at you Singapore Street Noodle and Thai Mango Salad.  Here are a few new dishes you should try for yourself.

Tuna on Mango Chutney – Sushi grade tuna, lightly seared and served on a bed of mango, sprouts & green onions drizzled with our PanAsian house sauce.

Woktopus – wok tossed octopus tentaticle, seasoned in our house marinade and served on an endive bed with budokan slaw on the side.

Kung Pao Tofu – Extra firm tofu, fried and tossed in our house Kung Pao, served with Raita on the side.