
Photo Gallery of an Intimate Evening With Celebrity Chef Bob Blumer [PHOTOS]

Oh boy does time ever fly when you’re having fun. We’ve been so busy over the last week showcasing our region to visitors, we didn’t even get a chance to…


Recipe Contest: Win an Autographed Book and Meet & Greet With 'The Ontario Table' Cookbook Author Lynn Ogryzlo

This may be one of our best contests yet! Starting October 6, 2011, WindsorEats is giving you the chance to win a `Meet & Greet`with the The Ontario Table author,…


Gold Medallist To Visit Downtown Farmer's Market This Weekend

Commonwealth Games gold medalist, Jamie Adjetey-Nelson visits the Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market this Saturday, October 23, 2010 from 10am to 12noon. Jamie has a strong sense of community and will…


Great Times Had at the Shores of Erie International Wine Festival

Jillian and I had the opportunity to make it out to the Shores of Erie International Wine Festival on Thursday. We were really excited to see Steven Page and Sloan…
